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7th International Conference on Philosophy of Information (ICPI)

According to the schedule of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI), the 6th International Summit on Information Study will be held in Varna, Bulgaria, from June 23 to 28, 2025. As part of this summit, the “7th International Conference on Philosophy of Information (ICPI)” will be included as a sub-conference. We are now soliciting papers for this Conference.

The first six conferences took place in Xi’an, China (October 2013); Vienna, Austria (June 2015); Gothenburg, Sweden (June 2017); Berkeley, USA (June 2019); Akita, Japan (August 2021, online); and Beijing, China (August 2023). These six conferences attracted numerous scientists and philosophers, yielding fruitful results.

Following the 6th International Conference on Philosophy of Information, the field of information philosophy has seen new developments worldwide. Based on these developments, we have formulated the theme and related research directions for the 7th International Conference on Philosophy of Information, which we now announce. We are publicly inviting academic papers from around the world.


  1. Organizing Committee



Kun Wu (China, Xi’an Jiaotong University)

Wolfgang Hofkirchner (Austria, The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society)

Joseph Brenner (Austria, The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society)


Honorary Chair:

Krassimir Markov (Bulgaria, Institute of Information Theories and Applications)



Krassimir Markov

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

Joseph Brenner

Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic (Sweden, Chalmers University of Technology)

Marcin Schroeder (Japan, Akita International University)

Rafael Capurro (Germany, The International Center for Information Ethics)

Marco Schneider (Brazil, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology)

Kun Wu

Tianen Wang (China, Shanghai University)

Feng Xiao (China, South China University of Technology)

Dongping Fan (China, South China Normal University)

Zhensong Wang (China, Xi’an Jiaotong University)

Jian Wang (China, Xi’an Jiaotong University)


  1. Conference Theme and Its Significance


The theme for the 7th International Conference on Philosophy of Information is: [Fundamental Theories of Philosophy of Information and the Philosophical Foundations of Intelligent Technology and Intelligent Society].


We have established this theme based on the following rationale: The rapid development of human intelligent technology has precipitated a significant transformation in contemporary science and philosophy, economics and society, culture and art, as well as in ideas and daily life. This transformation marks a new phase in the evolution of human civilization, one that is entering an era characterized by intelligent societies within the information age. The new advances in intelligent technology and the emergence of intelligent societies present both new challenges and opportunities for the further rational construction and development of contemporary philosophy of information. It is also necessary to elucidate the essence of intelligent technology and intelligent society from the perspective of philosophy of information, and to establish their philosophical foundations. We call upon philosophers and scientists who are truly passionate about our times to pay attention to fields related to this theme and to make directed contributions.


  1. Suggested Research Directions


(N.B.: We are aware that these formulations overlap in part but wanted the exercise to be as open as possible. The indicated topics are provided for reference only. Participants may also provide papers consistent with the conference theme based on their own research.)


(1) What new questions does the development of intelligent technologies and societies pose to philosophy?

(2) What new challenges and development opportunities does the philosophy of information face in the context of rapidly developing intelligent technologies and societies?

(3) Comparative studies between philosophy of information and other philosophical schools

(4) Comparative studies among different theories and schools within the philosophy of information

(5) Research on the content and essence of the information paradigm.

(6) Defining concepts related to the information paradigm, and exploring the levels, connections, and distinctions among these concepts.

(7) Studies on the distinctions, connections, and potential unification between the scientific and philosophical aspects of the information paradigm.

(8) Research on the essence of intelligent information and its role and significance in human cognition and practice.

(9) Philosophical explanations of the information paradigm in artificial intelligence.

(10) Comparative studies on human intelligence and artificial intelligence.

(11) The transformation of ways of human knowledge development by the information paradigm.

(12) The transformation of ways of human civilization development by the information paradigm.

(13) Research on the relationship between philosophy of system, philosophy of complexity and philosophy of information



  1. Paper Submission and Participation


The language of the conference is English. Presentations will be given in English.

Please provide an extended abstract (at least 2 pages) in English to the conference contacts by January 31, 2025.

The organizing committee will peer-review the abstracts and select suitable ones for oral presentations.

All accepted papers must be formatted according to the MDPI paper template and will be published by MDPI.

We are contacting some international journals to select excellent papers for publication in those journals.

(Associate Professor Zhensong Wang has agreed to serve as the MDPI publication coordinator.)

(We are setting up the EasyChair paper submission system. Authors can also submit papers via the EasyChair website once it is operational.)


  1. Important Dates


January 31, 2025: Extended Abstract Submission Deadline (approximately 2 pages)

February 28, 2025: and so on

Notification of Abstract Acceptance: Before February 28, 2025

Author Registration Deadline: March 15, 2025

Full Paper Submission Deadline (approximately 5 pages): Before March 15, 2025


  1. Conference Contacts


Krassimir Markov:

Kun Wu:

Wolfgang Hofkirchner:

Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic:

Zhensong Wang:


  1. Host Organizations


International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI)

Chinese Chapter of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI-CC)

International Center for Philosophy of Information at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU-ICPI)