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Cooperation image of University of the AegeanWebsite:

The University of the Aegean is an international research oriented university. It is an inspiring, innovative, socially committed institution situated in the Aegean Archipelago, the ancient cradle of knowledge. The scientific subject of the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering (DPSD) of the University of the Aegean is the integrated design of Products and Systems, using creatively the knowledge and the ideas emerging from a wide variety of arts and sciences, emphasizing in the exploitation of new technologies. In particular, the research unit of the department specialises in Interactive Systems design, Media Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction and User Experience Design, Information Systems Design, Collaborative Systems Design, Complex Systems Analysis and Design of Audiovisual Arts.

Together other members belonging to an international consortium, they have joined the domusBITae initiative, in which this very websystems represents a first step towards its development, designed by Charalampos Alifieris and Modestos Stavrakis, who are members of the DPSD as well.


Cooperation image of University of LeónWebsite:

The University of León (at the Northwest of the autonomous community of Castilla y León, Spain) has been recognized by the excellence of their information technologies infrastructures and has constituted the promoting and management center of an open community in information studies. The University of León has promoted the domusBITae initiative since 2010, and has received to this end the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science. Within this framework, University of León offers support to IS4SI for hosting its web content management system.

IS4SI member J.M. Díaz is lecturer at ULE.



The interdisciplinary research group BITrum (with Headquarters) was constituted to develop a conceptual and theoretical clarification of information, intending to gather all the relevant points of view and pursuing to preserve all the interests at stake (scientific, technical and social). Born at the First international Meeting of Experts in Information Theories-An interdisciplinary approach (León, November 2008), BITrum allegorically refers to the conjunction of the information unit “BIT” and the Latin term “vitrum” (standing for the assembly of a multiplicity of colors).

Among other activities, BITrum has promoted the domusBITae initiative together with other associated institutions from Europe, America and Asia, aimed at fostering the interdisciplinarity in information studies by means of building a virtual research and educational center as a global house (domus) for information studies (symbolically represented by the unit of information, BIT). The website of the Science of Information Institute itself -designed as a generic site for the interdisciplinary and collaborative work in information studies- represents a first step in the development of the domusBITae infrastructure. In relation to IS4SI’ purposes, it is also worth mentioning BITagora (where the words BIT -standing for Information- and agora -the classic Greek place for congregation- are brought together) proposed as an arena of discussion on information concerns.

J.M. Díaz Nafría, P. Fleissner, W. Hofkirchner, G. Dodig-Crnkovic, E. Buchanan, L. Bruni, members of IS4SI, are members of BITrum as well.

mathematics an Open Access Journal


Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) is an Open Access journal covering research related to mathematics. It devotes exclusively to the publication in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. The journal is indexed by SCI, Scopus, and gets high visibility. The 2019 impact factor is 1.105.

entropy an Open Access Journal


Entropy (IF 2.419; ISSN 1099-4300) is an open access journal which maintains a rigorous and fast peer review system with a median publication time of 42 days from submission to online publication. Entropy deals with the development and/or application of entropy or information-theoretic concepts in a wide variety of applications. It is fully covered by the leading indexing and abstracting services, including Scopus and SCIE (Web of Science). You can easily find the aims and scope, Board Member list, published papers, and much more at our homepage:

information an Open Access Journal


Information (ISSN 2078-2489; CODEN: INFOGG) is a scientific peer-reviewed open access journal of information science and technology, data, knowledge, and communication, and is published monthly online by MDPI. It is covered by Scopus (Elsevier), Ei Compendex, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-Web of Science), etc. You can easily find the aims and scope, Board Member list, published papers, and much more at our homepage: