The ISIS web system, aimed at facilitating collaborative work, represents a first step in the development of the resource center for information studies, which is pursed within the frame of domusBITae initiative. ISIS web system uses a generic CMS designed to provide access to the resources developed by the international collaborative community through a federated service system, which for the time being is constituted by:
articles, books, presentations, reports, etc., self-archived by ISIS members
Interdisciplinary glossaries
(interdisciplinary clarification of concepts)
- go to glossariumBIT (concepts, metaphors, theories and problems concerning information)
- ISIS-Glossary
Overview of domuBITae: resource center for information studies
The resource center (planned to be developed under international support of public research institutions) is conceived with the purpose of bridging across the many research communities devoted to this broad field and social stakeholders in order to enable an interdisciplinary and overarching understanding of information in all its meaningful aspects. Since there are relevant grounds concerning formal-, physical-, chemical-, biological-, cognitive-, social-, technological-, ethical- and philosophical sciences, the traditional gaps and boundaries between sciences must be overcome to achieve an actual overarching understanding of information, which might be essential to cope with the global challenges of our information society.

The proposed infrastructure is based on an integration of resources weaved by:
- a semantic network built upon the ongoing interdisciplinary understanding of information, and
- a visual oriented interface based on the user experience while searching for knowledge or training; communicating with colleagues in the same or different fields; or cooperating in education, research and innovation.
The set of inter-weaved resources intents to gather an open typology of scientific data qualified by the scientific community in different levels of validation, so that both novelty and rigour can be combined.