Operating the IS4SI secretariat is a good example for applying information theory to a specific day to day task in practice. Running a platform for multicultural, interdisciplinary, scientific collaboration requires a perceptive handling of information considering several aspects to ensure successful communication.
The secretariat is in charge of three tasks which are essential pillars of the organization:
Ensure provision of services
IS4SI services are managed and operated under the responsibility of the Vice-President assigned to the special field of activity. The secretariat is supporting the Vice Presidents providing the necessary resources and tools, as well as giving technological and methodical support. It also executes ongoing day to day tasks using its own resources.
The secretariat is the central point of contact for all our partners and coodinates the cross specific aspects within all activities to ensure a consistent approach to our partners.
Manage legal representation
As a registered organization IS4SI has to ensure legal compliance according the specific law. The organization is represented officially by the President, Vice-President for Protocol and Vice-President for Fund. The secratariat is in charge of supporting the authorized signatories ensuring full legal compliance.
Support IS4SI governance
The secretariat assists the Presidents and the board governing the organziation by executing the board decisions.
Secretary General
The secretary general is organizing the secretariat. In this function she is the ultimate contact person regarding the concerns of IS4SI operations. Her special focus is on the management of IS4SI´s legal representation and the support of the board for IS4SI governance by executing the board decisions.
Viena (Austria) | eMail: annette.grathoff@is4si.org

Annette Grathoff (Austria)